Friday, September 02, 2005

Day 2 - Leaner, Meaner, Faster...

I am down three pounds since yesterday likely some water weight and fat weight. I like to think of the weight of fat in terms of things that people are familiar with, like butter. If this weight is all fat, it would be the equivalent of 12 sticks of butter off of my body. (That is pretty gross way of looking at it). If I consider that I have about 60lbs of butter to lose, that is 240 sticks of butter attached to my body.

Okay, I only had two near misses today, but I am livin'. I think that having my thoughts available for others to view has lit a pretty intense fire in me. I have pushed myself harder than my past few weeks of riding, and it feels great. It was also very easy to get out bed this morning (having a personal goal is intensly motivating).

To Work:
Morning Weight: 257lbs
Cannondale Road Bike
Total Distance: 8 miles
Time: 23min 38sec (Avg. Speed: 20.3 mi/hr)
Gallons of gas saved: 0.25 gallons


John said...


You have inspired me to list my top ten weight-loss tips on my blog. They are the rules I lived by when I lost forty pounds, or 160lbs. of butter, as you like to say.

Psyclist said...

I like your top ten list, although I have a different take on the location of exercise in the hierarchy. I am not saying that I know where it should be, but excercising keeps some of the other items in focus. When you are exercising, fatty foods are just less desirable. For me, I feel as though I am putting dirty fuel in my "engine".

I totally agree with idea of calories obtained by drinking. I noticed that alcohol was not on your list and that is a big one. I enjoy a few beers here and there and cutting booze is essential.

The other key is to live by your principles while on the diet. Honestly I hate the idea of a "diet". It needs to be a lifestyle change, and in my case, I regressed to old habits and did not maintain the lifestyle change.

For me, what make a "lifestyle change" successful is if you can make if your own, stick to it, and live by it. Any indulgence needs to be paired with a sacrifice.

1 lb.=4 Sticks of Butter