Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Saddle Sores

This is an unpleasant topic, but one that cannot be ignored. I have been trying to fix these unpleasant buggers for about a week, as they result in an extraordinary amount of pain while cycling. The hard thing to do it to get rid of them while maintaining a workout schedule.
Keys to NOT getting saddle sores:
Wear clean cycling shorts (with flat seams) - If you are cycling often, try to get about 3 to 4 pairs of shorts
Alway shower after riding
Use a hard, smooth saddle (prevent unecessary friction)

More info here and here

I have recently acquired a new road frame that I will have the extreme pleasure of building up over the course of the next few chilly months. I AM SO EXCITED!!
This new bike is of some consolation to me because some scum of the earth stole the cyclocross bike that I had pictured here in December.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are so lame
update your blog