Well onto the next adventure...I am riding in the Horribly Hilly Hundreds which is supposed to be the "toughest one dat challenge ride in the midwest". My favorite part of the ride is the slogan "Biking Like a Viking". I am registered to complete the 200k ride (approximately 120 miles). The key to this ride is nutrition and water intake. The temperature is supposed to be in the 90s this weekend. It is good that I rode 105 miles carrying about 45 lbs. of gear about two weeks ago in 95+ heat. I did pass out about two hours after that ride because I did not hydrate enough or eat enough afterwards. The key for me to finish well in this ride is to really focus on energy management. Typically, I have been a hammer head on hills while I ride; that is, when I ride I bolt up hills with all I have until I react the crest. If I use that strategy on this ride I will certainly bonk.
Wish me luck! I will be hauling my heavy rear end of 220 lbs through this course while the typical cyclist weighs in at about 140-180 lbs.
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