Yesterday was the second time I was able to use my proper dinghy to get to and from my boat. One of the dock dwellers "the Mayor" was hosting a party and a friend of Katherine's joined us. When we were getting ready to return to shore, Kat and I boarded the dinghy (with Cosmo the dog and Bailel the dog) and I told Kat's friend to step in the middle of the dinghy. She misinterpreted these instruction to step on the side of the dinghy and sit on the side of the dinghy. We all became very wet imediately after the boarding mishap. Kat and I swam out from under the boat while her friend came up underneath the dinghy. Both dogs were trapped under the boat and Kat was able to reach under and grab Bailey. Kat couldn't find Cosmo and became very upset. Also, because Kat is pregnant everyone on the dock was most concerned about getting her out of the water. Cosmo is deathly afraid of water and being trapped under the dinghy had to be the most traumatic experience of his life. When I looked under the dinghy to see if he was okay, he had climbed to the underside of one of the seats and he had a white-knuckled death grip on the seat. I figured that I had better not try to remove him from his perch because he was so terrified...the added fear of going into the water would have probably cost me skin underneath his nails. We righted the dingy and everyone came away okay. We did lose the use of our cell phones and Kat may have lost the use of her iPod.
Lessons Leared: The least experienced boater enters the dinghy first. Step in the middle of the dinghy. Put small electronics in a watertight container.
update: The iPod was the only piece that surived. It was out of power when it went in, so that is probably why it made it. Both phones have been officially deep-sixed.
I suspect your phones and ipod will be okay once they dry out. Remove the batteries (if possible) and leave them to dry. Just don't turn them on until they dry off.
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. That is a great story. (Katherine--I'm glad you're ok. Why do these scarey thing only happen to you when you're pregnant? Car accidents! Boating accidents! What next?)
You guys take care. Stay at home from now on.
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