Thursday, October 26, 2006

PE Exam

I have been preparing for and will sit for my Professional Engineering examination tomorrow. Passing this test (fingers crossed) will be a significant milestone for me in my career. It can lead to a significant bump in salary...if all works out well. And, it will allow me to sign-off on engineering drawings/opinions/workplans and other stuff. It becomes valuable for any employer because I take personal liability in stamping documents. I have hear others say that as soon as you stamp your first document, you will be in a courtroom in the next two-years. Let's hope that when my time comes for the courtroom, it will be to poke holes in others work and not the reverse.

Wish me luck!

The exam consisted of two, four hour sections that are open book. The first section was more computational and a "hide and seek" type of exam; that is, I would read the problem and search through reference books to find an answer. I went to the exam with a minimalist approach, only bringing about 6 references. Some people were bringing in multiple milk-crates full of books. (...In my opinion, a reference is only good if you are somewhat familiar with that reference. How could anyone be familiar with 20 difference texts?...) The second section was more along the lines of work realted problems and was the type of information that you could not look up in books and you had to answer based on practical work experience. I walked away from the exam feeling confident, and that may be a problem. I say that because when I was in college and left an exam with confidence, I would get dope-slapped with a "C" or something much worse than I thought I would get. I will find out in January if my confidence is appropriate or an indication that I need to take the exam again.

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