Thursday, November 16, 2006


While my wife and I were walking the dog this morning, a neighbor dog, Jo-Jo really wanted to play with my dog Cosmo. Jo-Jo was busy taking care of his morning business, and we walked by. Jo-Jo about a minute later came tearing down the alley to visit Cosmo, but we had turned a corner and Jo-Jo lost sight of Cosmo. Jo-Jo proceeded to visit a woman at the end of the alley who happened to be African-american. This woman gave me a look of death and began to scold me about my loose dog. A moment later Jo-Jo's mom, who happens to be African-american, came running after Jo-Jo. The woman that Jo-Jo ran after stopped her rant said "Oh, that's your dog (directed to Jo-Jo's mom), not your dog (directed to me)" and then proceded calmly to work. Strange that me and my wife would get a more hostile reaction than Jo-Jo's mom...Could it be racism?


mr_eric said...

it just ain't racism till unless someone shouts: "get your cracker-ass dawg off o'me!!"

Psyclist said...

whew, that is a relief! I was feeling descriminated against...

(or did you mean, good ole-timey racism...)

Katherine K said...

Scott -

I dont like this blog. Although thought provoking, it doesn't belong here - at energy environment and cycling. There are so many positive forces in your life, you shouldn't dwell on a negative one.

Why don't you update you blog with a statement about how fantasticly enery effecient your trip to MN was this last weekend in the new Hybrid?