Wednesday, December 28, 2005

New Cyclocross Bike!

I just recieved a Cyclocross bike that I purchased on eBay. I also picked up some studded tires and now I will be able to continue commuting to work through the winter.

My road bike that I have been riding indoors has been causing me some pain in the dreaded bulbospongiosus. I need to tweak my saddle position ASAP! I have been using the Specialized Body Geometry Comp and I think that the support is failing due to the age of the saddle and the burden of my weight.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Erosion of Civil Liberties

What else can one call the acknowledgement of "Secret Wire Taps" and the proposed renewal of the Patriot Act?

One answer is a tool of war. The tool of war argument preys upon fears and emotion. It does not address critical issues and requires the citizen to put blind faith and trust in their government.

The Patriot Act was signed in haste as part of our response to being attacked by a radical religious group primarily from Saudi Arabia. We are at war with terror (in Iraq??) like we have a war on drugs. These are open ended wars that cannot be won because of the nature of the enemy: decentralized and not represented by governments.

Our emotional and hasty response must be viewed in retrospect with very critical eyes to ensure that our government does not gain the powers similar to the dictators we oppose.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Spin Class

As I mentioned, I joined a gym to begin training for my bike trip to Minneapolis. I took my first spin class on Sunday. Spin class can be really intense if you are willing to push yourself. If not, participants can coast. It was strange to leave the workout soaking wet from sweat while other people just had glistening foreheads...(maybe I am just really out of shape)

My legs are still burning from the workout (an excellent feeling) and I will take another class tomorrow. High intensity aerobic excercise feels great, although I can't wait to begin riding on the road again.

Friday, December 16, 2005

New addtion to the Mpls-Chicago Trip

Another co-worker is onboard to go on the approximate 450 mile trip to Minnesota with me next year. I will be joining a health club tomorrow and begin taking spin classes to get in shape over the winter. My winter exercise target is three days of spin classes and three days of aerobic weight lifting. I believe we will begin this regimen at the beginning of 2006.

I recently purchased the Audiobook "How to Make a Good Brain Great" by Daniel Amen. He is a neuroscientist and founder of the Amen Clinic in California. The material presented in this book are keys points to live by to maintain brain health. Two major components are diet and exercise. This book is a must read, and I believe it should be part of high school health class curriculum.

Also, to alleviate my doldrums associated with finishing my Masters, I have enrolled in the MBA program at the Stuart School of Business and I will begin taking classes again January 2006.