Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Cycling is NOT the most drugged-up sport!

I took the following statistics from a Chicago Tribune article titled:
The real doping crisis: billiards

Apparently baseball players use drugs at about the same rate as cyclists...

Billiards: - 9.96% - 28 positives out of 281 tests
Golf: - 5.21% - 20/384
Bandy: - 3.94% - 8/203
Cycling: - 3.78% - 482/12,751
Baseball: - 3.69% - - 390/10,580
Motorcycle Racing: 3.23% - 12/372
Underwater sports: 3.22% - 12/373
Boxing: - 3.14% - 83/2433
Triathlon: - 3.14% - - 74/2,170
Archery: - 2.94% - 25/850
Ice Hockey: - 2.87% - 79/2,751
Rugby: - 2.46% - 113/4,601
Orienteering: - 2.09% - 10/479
Volleyball: - 2.06% - 54/2161
Weightlifting: - 2.50% - 146/5842
Athletics: - 1.67% - 342/20,464
Football (Soccer): 1.46% - 343/23,478
55.2% of all Adverse Analytical Findings were Anabolic agents
(43.4%) or stimulants.
60.7% of AAF for Anabolic agents the identified substance was

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