Saturday, September 10, 2005

191 Miles This Week!

I am so exhausted! Today, I rode to Wheaton for one of my classes to finish my Masters Degree. Wheaton is very close to Naperville and is on the same route that I took to work yesterday. Needless to say, my legs are in desperate need of a break. My legs feel like dead weight and the 90 degree heat did not help. It is time for a break, that is , until Monday.

I mentioned I would not weigh myself as frequently, but I hoped on the scale today and I weighed in at 247lbs. So far, that is 13 pounds in 9 days. This rate of weight loss will slow down. The easy pounds fly off (the pounds for which I am tragically overweight). Earlier I mentioned that diet soda makes you more hungry. I still believe this, although I have found that ICE COLD Diet Pepsi does not make me more hungry. It must be ice cold otherwise the same effect occurs.

To School and Back:
Cannondale Road Bike
Total Distance: 42.97 miles
Time: 2hr 32min 56sec
Gallons of gas saved: 1.50 gallons

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