Friday, September 02, 2005

Hunger, and fuel shortage

Bad title considering the events in LA, but anyway...

As I have mentioned in my earlier post, part of losing weight is to be hungry. And I am ravenous/famished/hungry-like-a-hostage...take your pick. Couple hunger with pedaling 16miles a day, and the pistons (my legs) do not cooperate well. My legs were/are so fatigued!

Maybe this is just a good way to end the week. Tired and knowing I am kicking my own ass into shape.

No pain, no gain!

Faster, Stronger, Leaner, Meaner!

Work to Home:
Evening Weight: 254.0lbs
Cannondale Road Bike
Total Distance: 8 miles
Time: 28min 30sec
Gallons of gas saved: 0.25 gallons

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